Finished My Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30

Ripped in 30

I started my Ripped in 30 on Sunday the 9th of February.
I had tried to complete the Ripped dvd previously, november 2013. However had problems with stress-induced asthma, so i put ff exercising until the new year ( ad idea i put on 7ls and went up to 10st 2)

Full Guides to all of Jillians DVD’s here

I digress. My starting stats were:

  • 92cm/ Under bust measurement
  • 81cm  Waist measurement
  • 58cm. Right Thigh measurement
  •  I was also 10st 2.

I really struggled with the workouts so i will go through each weekly workout and explain what was challenging to me personally and why i believe thy’re fantastic for you.

To start with, all of the workouts are based on 3.2.1 which i find VERY effective. 

Start of Ripped in 30.

It means 3 minutes of strength ( we need strength to build muscle and tone our bodies as well as burning some fat.
2 mins of cardio is a fat burner, that encourages metabolism to pick up and with jillians workouts it means all your muscles are working at once, more strength!
1 minute of abs, spends a little extra time toning up your mid-section.
This is means you can do all 3 things you want out of a workout without being exhausted and giving up, it gives you enough time from cardio to recover, enough time on abs to build muscle and not get exhausted. Before.

Week 1

End of week 1

I felt that this was hard to begin with, but stick with it and push through. This is high cardio and simple strength moves with COMPLEX ab moves, its building you up for week 2.
My weight went down to 9st 12.

Week 2
End of week 2

I was so relieved to be away from cardio ( i hate cardio), but before i could relax my arms were making me cry! This is the most arm/strength intensive workout i had done.
 Jillian’s voice echo’d in my head ” 2 mins in plank, who does that, i do that and you bought the dvd so you’ll have to do it!” It encouraged me to push through ( even after collapsing in plank 3 or 4…or 5 times).
By the end of week 2 my shoulders were definitely different, I’m sure my b–bs were bigger, but maybe that’s just me? Even my posture, The quickest changes i’d seen, no matter how small they were.
My weight went down to 9st 10.
End of week 2 picture.

The cry baby week, i found myself wanting to cry so much this week, it wasn’t just arms burning, i found myself expiring in places i didn’t know had sweat glands. My thighs hurt during the warm up, so i knew it was going to be a tough workout, mid way my arms hurt so much i had forgotten about the legs aching.

End of week 3

Now, it sounds like i’m moaning, hell no. I’m EARNING my body. This pain means i’m changing myself and the best way possible. I’m getting off my arse and pushing past the boundaries i had set for myself. I’m making new goal posts.

– Day 4, i feel like my body is bulking, the last few days i look huge on my legs and stomach.. I can’t see why, my diets not changed?
– Day 8 ( i’m doing 9 days as i hadn’t completed the workouts fully). Today i’m getting better with the skiers.

The twisted planks are still getting me and i’m hving to modify them into knee to elbow planks
The downward dogs i’m only gettning 4 in then stopping to do 2 more at the end.
Tabletop dips i can’t do i can do about 5 then i have to hold my weight in the table top.
My weight went down to 9st 12.

Week 4

Day 2: Wow, i cried. I LITERALLY CRIED, she said ‘ i bet your crying right now’ just as it came out of my eyes. No sound could come out i was that winded. Fantastic. 
It’s high cardio, extreme arms and legs high core. Everything you need times 10. 
I’m completing around 60%
Day 3: I did jillians 6 week sixpack as it gave my arms and legs a rest ( i then did 30 mins of cardio/dancing around like a fool)
Day 4: Back on form with Jillian, i still wanted to cry but i didn’t back down.
Day 5: 100% Smooth.
Day 6:Cliff Climbing, check last post (scroll down here)
Day 7: LAST DAY- Perfect. Full of energy!! I ended up doing her killer abs level one afterwards and couldn’t stop looking at my stomach. The results in pictures look static.In real life i can see muscle tone and shape I Feel amazing!
My final weight is now 9st11.

 I really hope you  have read this and seen the differences you can make in yourself and pick this dvd up.


I’m continuing with this workout scheme and mixing it up with 30 day shred.More of Jillians DVD reviews will be coming up.

Next post: My circuit training experience 16th March (sunday)
Last post: Cliff Climbing Update.

2 Thoughts on “Finished My Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30

  1. Thankyou, i'm quite proud of my results this time round!
    I think I'm going to polish off most of her old dvd's to review. Only 3 left and i'm more experience at her workouts then her.

  2. Well Done!!

    Whats next??

Pop a comment, let me know what you think..

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