This Christmas-Break I wanted to make sure I was making the most of my time, I didn’t want to ‘veg-out’ like I normally do. The holidays always seem to disappear when I do that. So I planned that once I had a free day, I’d focus on planning my time better. (planning to plan seems […] Read more…

A new beginning…again.
I retyped this starting sentence three-times. Wracking my brain as to what I could possibly write to explain being MIA for over a year. Honestly? I was petrified to come back to my website and see it sat here with cobwebs on it, the comment-less posts and drastic view drops. The problem I’ve faced for […] Read more…

Should meat-alternatives be banned?
‘Animal products just aren’t that good as we always thought’. At some point in your life a doctor will explain you’d probably benefit from reducing your meat intake. Whether it’s due to high-sodium, kidney issues or being generally unhealthy. It can be a shocking thing to realise but, we already have prior knowledge of the […] Read more…

An open letter to all food-stockists, from a Vegan.
On a recent trip to Dublin, to celebrate Tom’s 25th Birthday and my 7th year blogging, we decided to spend the time sight-seeing the non-touristy areas. So did a lot of walking.25 miles of walking, our limbs felt like they were crying on the journey home. On our way back into Dublin city centre […] Read more…

10 reasons to start yoga in your 20’s
Hi you! It’s been a while – I haven’t even networked or chatted to you in the last 13 days (yep – I’ve been counting!). My new job is incredible and I’m trying my best to produce the best content for it, whilst being here for you. So, this week I deligated my time to […] Read more…

What I Eat In A Day As A Vegan
What I eat in a day is changing every day most of my days aren’t a traditional 3 meal plan. Some day’s I start eating at 1pm (normally an intermittent fasting day) and other days I eat at 7 am. I’m a getup and eat kinda-gal, hungry before I’m even properly awake. Depending on what […] Read more…

My workout wishlist
It’s AUTUMN! Which means, new workout gear (also – my old leggings have a thumb-sized hole in the bum) so it’s more a necessity to buy new workout gear than a ‘luxury’. Aside from that, I have been raining in my budget so I can afford a new phone, camera, laptop…basically everything is breaking around […] Read more…

Gin & Tonic Cake A Layered Pastel Cake | Vegan
I made such a mess. My Gin & Tonic cake is made with love, alcohol and a lot of mess. I mean, the idea in my head was fairly messy anyway but this whole ‘layered Gin & Tonic cake’ with alternate frosting and rustic decoration. This, is a cheat cake. This cake has really revolutionised how […] Read more…

Top Christmas Gifts for 2017
Yeah. It’s September and I’m talking about the C word (not that one). I’m talking ‘Top Christmas Gifts’ for this year. I very rarely sort Christmas buys before December but I’m on a roll this month. I’m getting myself organised so I don’t have that pre-Christmas panic. You know the feeling I mean… The sinking […] Read more…

My First Year As A Vegan
I’ve been vegan for a year! I’ve spoken about the process of my veganism for the past 12 months but have yet to talk about the direct thoughts and feelings I have on it.My First Year As A Vegan I asked YOU to ask me some personal questions. I want to use this platform to […] Read more…