Discover the best exercises for fat burning and weight loss.


Why wait for weight loss?
When you can kick-start it today.

I have researched for years now to find out what are the best methods for weight loss, whether they be food tips and workout styles and I have narrowed down the most effective moves to boost metabolism and banish fat, for good.If you’re interested have a look at the 5-day fit programme!
The exercises I have listed below use large muscle groups in the body, this enables you to burn fat quickly by raising the heart rate/metabolic rate and engaging multiple muscle groups at one time.
You’ll notice most of the moves are a cardio combination with strength, which means the fat is being burned quickly (with cardio) and your metabolic rate stays high with the strength.

Things you will need:

  • Motivation (obviously)
  • Water bottle
  • Patience
  • Yoga mat (if you prefer) 

You’ll notice that most if not all of my workout routines have a variation of squats in them, this is because they use such a big muscle in the body.
How to: Stand with your feet pointing slightly outwards. Take a weight from 5kg-10kg and squat down with your bottom pushing out, core tight and your knees behind your feet, tense your glutes and raise back up.

This will work your quads, hams, core, back and calves.
Reps 10-15 

These are amazing exercises that use cardio and strength, I try to include these in most of my workouts since they use a lot of core and arms focus, they’re great for slimming down.

How to: In plank position, toes pointing down, hands under shoulders and elbows facing in, bring your feet up and into your chest whilst standing up, all in a quick ‘hop’ motion.Bring yourself back down in plank position for one repetition.

This will work your shoulders, biceps triceps and core.
Reps 10-15 

Jumping Kicks
These are one step up from a kick-out! They’re cardio-strength, so more fat is being quicker and for longer, The kicks are kick-outs with a hop to the next leg. 
How to: As your first leg is kicking-out push off the ground with your other leg in a swooping motion, as the first leg hits the ground, kick-out with the other, repeat for one repetition. Keep your fists up and elbows in.
This will work your quads, hams, core, back and calves and great for cardio!Reps 10-15 

Running four miles and above
This is the basic one, everyone should have this in their planner as it’s an overall winner for everything! Great for all muscle groups in the body and since its pure cardio you can burn a tonne of fat.

How to: Get trainers, run!This will work your quads, hams, core and your whole body, its great for cardio!

15 mins+

Power jumpsThis is just a jump! Easy, right? It’s a squat with high jump attached so you can get some great glutes and cardio wrapped in that tight bundle.

How to: Stand with your feet pointing slightly outwards. Take a weight from 5kg-10kg and squat down with your bottom pushing out, core tight and your knees behind your feet, tense your glutes and jump straight up 3-5inches off the floor. Come back down to a squat position.

This again will work your quads, hams and your whole body, its great for cardio!
Reps 10-15

All of these exercises are targeted at helping you lose weight, they’re quick fat-burning exercises, you should see results from the first week!

Let me know in the comments below how many you were able to do.

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