I know that a lot of people struggle to work out at home, no matter how committed you are, so I’ve created a post specific for you home-gym phobics.. But, before you join the gym have a look at this! we explain everything from Free gym passes, What gym companies give you the Value for money comparison, and of course the Customer reviews!
Grab a free pass to check whether a gym is right for you. You can also ask a friend or centre worker whether their gym gives out free guest passes, then you can go in confident and
workout with your friend, partner or whoever for free!
Fitness First: free 3-day pass
Get a free three-day pass by registering with Fitness First, you should then get your pass by email within 3-7 days.Fitness First also runs a ‘bring a friend free on Friday’ offer which gets a mate in for a free workout. You just need to sign them in at reception, Awesome, right?
43 clubs in England and Ireland
Total Fitness: free 1-day pass
A moderately small but well-formed gym, they offer no-frills but have great prices, you can request a free one-day guest pass by completing the form at HERE.
so why not pop into your local gym and ask! So, Now that we have the bargains out of the way, why not test them out. At that point, surely you’ve found a love for the gym and you want to workout…