Gotta love a catchy title!
I’m going to talk about my sleep tracking and my honest baking of my GF Red Velvet CuppyCakes

I’ve recently started a campaign with holland and Barrett to help enhance my sleep, needless to say they were very generous with the products they gave me (£100 worth) I really can’t stop ranting about that..normally I get some fruit sticks or protein a huge hamper of goodies was just amazing! and…AND they’ve sent me some for a giveaway for you, see here for deets!

So I’ve been vlogging my sleep journey, a video in the morning to explain my sleep from the night before and then in the evening to show the products I’m about to take and to tell you if I’m tired or feeling anxious so you know how effective they are in different situations..

So, I woke up super energetic on Sunday morning (see the video)

and really wanted to do some baking, something healthy, of course..for valentines! It’s only a week away and whether you’re single or not, a treat on valentines is always a good idea.

I updated the facebook page throughout the bake and they turned out amazingly.
Well, the larger ones burnt, EEP, I know..but I was testing the sizes and timings out, so it’s all good. I’d only made mini-cupcakes before sunday so I was used to just havisorta burntng them in for a shorter time but I wasn’t too fussed they didn’t work out.
Either way, I had 10 cupcakes to gorge on, and gorge I did! I had 6 to myself and heaped on the almond icing.

I eat coconut cream quite a lot, as I use it in my ice cream recipes but there was something about the almond flavouring that just “had me at hello”. It tastes so good!! I would just eat the icing and skip the cakes personally.. but don’t’ do that, I’m a good baker 😉

So yeah, I’m super happy with how they turned out, please pop over and leave a comment or just something lovely for a 5 star rating *eye roll* 🙂

Amy-May Hunt

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