Happy Blogaversary to mee! I can’t believe it’s been five years since I first published an article online..
Back then I’d be happy with a spam view from a google-bot. I’d list my daily food intake ALL IN CAPS and go about my weekly business then Monday rolled back around again and I’d type it all up again…
Oh the good old days when we just wrote to write. I was honestly really happy just to have a space to write and express myself but now, I can’t survive without my website, I love it, I live on here! I’m on here updating something almost constantly, twitter,Instagram & facebook..there’s always something to be talking about and sharing with you, I’m so glad that I have this space and that I have a following (somewhat)…
I’m proud of my little corner of the internet is what I’m trying to say.
This year, five years down the road I hit the 5,000 a month mark along and I’ve been hitting it regularly with my 1000 fans on facebook but I’m honestly..just so in awe of the support I receive my blog achievements don’t even come close to the amazement of the support. I just love to read the comments and the interactions I get so..
Thank you for bearing with me..Whether you’re new to the site..or whether you’ve been here for a while, I appreciate it!
Five years worth of THANKYOU’s
I’m not going to lie, mostly because I can’t..It’s a cupcake. It’s not a healthy option and it by no means is something I’d like you to replicate regularly but… it’s my day and It’s my treat so I wanted to share it with you. If you’re looking for some vegetable based gluten free cakes that are super low calorie then you can always go to my red velvet cupcakes!
I chose coffee flavoured cupcakes and tom loves walnuts so the pairing was perfect, now it was just finding the right recipe. Mary berry’s popped up a lot but everyone said they were too mild so I doubled the coffee and added my gluten free flour mix into the cupcakes and the worked beautifully.

- 1 tbsp instant coffee
- 115 g butter, softened
- 140 g self-raising flour*
- 140 g caster sugar
- 2 tbsp milk
- 2 large eggs
- 25 g walnuts
- For the cupcakes: Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper muffin cases. Put the coffee granules and 1 tablespoon of boiling water into a mixing bowl and stir until smooth. Add the butter, flour, sugar, milk, and eggs and mix with an electric whisk until smooth. Stir in the walnuts, then spoon into the muffin cases.
- Bake in the centre of the oven for 2025 minutes or until risen and golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack until stone cold.
- For the icing: Put the coffee granules and 2 teaspoons boiling water into a bowl and stir until smooth. Add the butter, sift in the icing sugar, and stir until smooth and free of streaks.
- Spoon on to the cupcakes, then decorate each one with a walnut half.
- *flour options both work with gluten free or other
If you really are new here then my schedule is Alternative recipe Wednesdays, Health advice and support Saturdays. If you need personalised support PM me via the facebook page and I will get back to you within the hour!
Love as always,
Well done on reaching the 5 year milestone. And cake is always a great way to celebrate!
Well done on reaching the 5 year milestone. And cake is always a great way to celebrate!
Well done. 5 years is a long time to blog your doing great!
Well done. 5 years is a long time to blog your doing great!
Congratulations on your blogaversary – what an achievement and great cake to celebrate!!
Congratulations on your blogaversary – what an achievement and great cake to celebrate!!
Wow – what a fantastic achievement, well done! I celebrated 2 years in February. Great recipe too š Kaz x
Wow – what a fantastic achievement, well done! I celebrated 2 years in February. Great recipe too š Kaz x
happy anniversary lovely; hope i still have your commitment after 5 years- and I will see you tomorrow- yayy
I think it’s more that I’m stubborn than commitment (haha!) x Thank you Jen, See you tomorrow!
happy anniversary lovely; hope i still have your commitment after 5 years- and I will see you tomorrow- yayy
I think it’s more that I’m stubborn than commitment (haha!) x Thank you Jen, See you tomorrow!
Congratulations!! And those cupcakes look absolutely delicious too š x
Congratulations!! And those cupcakes look absolutely delicious too š x
Happy blogaversary! 5 years is such an achievement for you. I’m not even at the 2 year mark so I’m still a baby compared to you x
Happy blogaversary! 5 years is such an achievement for you. I’m not even at the 2 year mark so I’m still a baby compared to you x
Happy blogaversary Amy! Congratulations on five years! Blogging has changed so much since then
I know..Before all the Facebook groups and twitter chats. It was so quite back then (not that I’m complaining) It wasn’t competitive and people just wrote about what ever they enjoy..
Happy blogaversary Amy! Congratulations on five years! Blogging has changed so much since then
I know..Before all the Facebook groups and twitter chats. It was so quite back then (not that I’m complaining) It wasn’t competitive and people just wrote about what ever they enjoy..