Go Gluten Free It might be for me!
Who knows..unless you try.
Your answers suggest you’d be willing to try maybe one or two days of gluten free, hopefully we’ll get you upto a 3 or 4 days a week, you’ll love it, honestly. If you still feel like you don’t know what diet you’d like after reading all of this.. then check out my
ultimate diets.
Remember It’s about who you are and how you eat, not the plan that your on that dictates whether you’ll succeed or not, sometimes it’s about your inner strength and motivation, so.. if one diet plan doesn’t work, try something new!
Go out hiking or cut out a food group, test things out..after all you it’s your health, do what works for you.
Now, this deciding factor is down to you, I’m going to give you three options to choose from, choose one and stick to it for atleast a week if you don’t get on with it, then swap to the other.
The plans below are in as simplistic forms as they can be, meaning barely any restricts to what you can and can’t eat, but if you break the basic rules I’m giving then no, you’ll not lose weight. I’m making this as simple as possible so it’s not hard to follow.
1) If you can live without Rice, Pasta, Grains (oats,wheat including bread and wraps) beans and all modern processed foods (sweets, bread, biscuits, cereal)
You’ll be doing the 5:2 caveman diet.
2) If you can live without Rice Pasta, & Grains (oats,wheat including bread and wraps) beans but need milk, cheese, unlimited coffee/tea and one modern product a day (a piece of bread/a bowl of cereal/a wrap/)
You’ll be doing the 5:2 Modern-caveman diet.
3) If you can’t live without rice/bread/milk then you’re going to be doing the Gluten free 5:3
I want to say it’s the hardest one, but it’s really not, non of these are designed to be hard, they’re just new to you, which might seem hard as you have to keep remembering what you can and can’t eat, luckily this is a pre-made plan so there’s alot of help on the interwebs about. Here’s my overall “Why paleo?”Simple over view:
This diet is just saying “don’t eat non-handmade food” Did you make that flour yourself? no, don’t eat it then. Can’t: Bread, Pasta, canned foods, anything that has gone through a factory process, battered foods, coated, anything not fresh from the ground or from an animal.
Paleo allows for Fats in the forms of meats fish, eggs and nuts.
Paleo allows for Carbs in the forms of White rice (small amounts), sweet potatoes and ‘healthy bread’ (Made with organic flours, coconut and almond flour)
Meal suggestions: (I’ll be adding full weekly menus within the next week)
Curry/chilli/Chicken/fish & cauliflower rice
Instead of your sandwhich at lunch have a chicken salad (use lettuce cups instead of bread), tuna vegetable bake, sweet potato and roasted broccoli.
Instead of cereal try scrambled eggs, by themselves, no bread needed. Eat as much meat,veg,fruit as you like, remember it’s only for 2 days.

5:2 Modern-caveman diet.
The modern-Paleo’s, I’m calling them this because they use modern technology to combine all of the natural ingredients and use new processes (not traditional to the diet) to create healthy alternatives to food groups, such as paleo pancakes, banana ice cream and cakes made from vegetable and nut flours.
Simple over view:
Essential this is the ‘eat what comes from the earth’ diet, but you have more lee-way, you can choose to add modern methods of cooking things, making sweet potato/banana pancakes, beetroot muffins, things a cavemen wouldn’t be able to make.
Can: Have modern adjustments, coffee’s, teas (with one sugar) and one modern food group a day. Rice is allowed in 3 tablespoons a day or 1 piece of bread.
Can’t: Bread, Pasta, canned foods, boxed, processed.
Meal suggestions (same as paleo): (I’ll be adding full weekly menus within the next week)
Curry/chilli/Chicken/fish & cauliflower rice
Instead of your sandwhich at lunch have a chicken salad (use lettuce cups instead of bread), tuna vegetable bake, sweet potato and roasted broccoli.
Instead of cereal try scrambled eggs, by themselves, no bread needed.
remember it’s only for 2 days.
Gluten free 5:3
(completely made up, by Purely Amy, but amazingly affective)
This one is by far the easiest so It’s being spread over 3 days, you cheater you.. With this, it’s almost as basic as modern caveman so I’ll just say what you can and can’t have.
You can: Rice, coffee’s, tea’s, one bowl of cereal or oat breakfast, potatoes all types,
Can’t: Pasta, Bread, Canned foods, Processed.
Remember the hardest part of following a diet
is just remembering what you can and can’t eat!