They’re made mostly from sugar (why is sugar bad?) and water but are bursting with a lot of good things, but a few side effects are creeping out from the woodwork too…
I’ve put together a selection of the pros and cons below, you can see the pros out a weigh the cons but each should be considered equal to find the right balance for you.
Consumption of the drink should be how much you can balance in your diet. *my recommendations below. There are also tonnes of other detox drinks (and their benefits), on the market so make sure you do your homework for each drink!
Pros & Cons
- Preventing Illness: includes vitamins and essential bacteria fighting ingredients.
- Aids In Glowing Skin
- Aids In Digestion
- Contains Essential Amino Acids
- Helps Cure Acne
- Reduces Pain
- Repairs Skin During Frostbite
- Anti-Cancer Activity
- Hair Growth
- Reduces Blood Sugar*
- Aloe vera contains a laxative which can cause diarrhoea if taken in large amounts.
- The juice may cause adverse reactions when consumed along with few medicines. Laxative in aloe vera may even inhibit the absorption of some drugs in the body.
- “Consumption of aloe vera juice can lead the body to produce excessive amounts of adrenaline, which can be harmful for people suffering from heart conditions. It can also lower potassium levels in the body, causing irregular heartbeats, weakness and soft muscles. Hence, it is not recommended for children and elderly people. Style craze.
Drinks on the market
Here are a selection of the top original aloe vera juices ( no strong flavours or preservatives) on the market, price order and full nutritional details are available:
Holland & Barrett Juice Cleanse – 500ml – £6.90
Optima Health 500ml – £7.95
Natures Aid 2LTRS – £13.54
Online only
have a great looking bottle but it is branded as natural and pure looking, it has the same values of sugar, water, colourings, flavourings as the cheaper values, it’s just sold a bit more upmarket.
Aloe Vera Juice Drink Cranberry 473ml Liquid £8.99
My aloe vera hero of the day is
Personal statement.
** Update: September 2015.
After two weeks of writing and uploading this video I stopped drinking aloe vera, it’s too uncontrollable. This page has become a very popular page on my website so I want to make sure everyone knows that yes, there are health benefits to this drink, however.The health benefits are it ‘can’ cleanse your system out, but so can a well-balanced diet. I’m really not an advocator of this drink and would prefer for people to really do their research before ingesting aloe on a regular basis.
I wrote earlier that the drink can reduce your blood sugar, however, aloe is such a strong and bitter taste that the drinks are pumped with 6teaspoons of sugar (that’s almost as much as a small coke).

Thank you so much for that honest opinion. I bought 2 for a pound today and I like the flavour, however, I’ll be careful with not drinking too much;)