An honest review of Arctic Power Berries

Arctic power

A review of Arctic berries. I’m sorry for not having a ‘proper’ recipe, I haven’t done one for weeks and then here we are..another drinks post. I’m coming to the end of a qualification so I don’t get much time developing and researching new recipes. I do have some summer barbeque food lined up for next week so stick around for that if you’re getting impatient! 

It’s getting warmer and when the sun comes out so does the home made lemonade (or watermelon-ade for that Arctic power powdersmatter), I got in touch with a small company called Artic Power a few weeks back to see if they’d send me some samples of different flavours of their fruit powder to try and luckily they said yes! They sent me two full sized products and some sample packets. Perfect for popping in my purse and taking out with me. 

The product isn’t really labelled as a drink, it’s really just a powder you add to foods and drinks but I fell in love with drinking it so that’s what I’ve done. Made some drinks recipes for you along with some ideas of what you can do with it if that’s not your thing. enough rambling, here we go…

What is Arctic Power?

They’re a small company, started by two young women who grew up eating wild berries and really tasting fruits as they should be, developing new ways to store them for year round satisfaction! They’re 100% natural berries dried and compressed into a nutritious and sweet powder, they have 5 different berries. Each compressed and stored for year-round enjoyment.  

Obviously when you freeze or dry fruits you store the nutrients in them and as they age, so too do the nutrients which is why they have given smaller sized tubes for your own preference.  They have 10g packets, 50g tubes and 70g tubes! Check the health benefits they’ve listed on the site! 

The health benefits of the berries: Wild arctic berries are naturally rich in vitamins, antioxidants, nutrients and fibre. They grow and mature under the midnight sun, absorbing the goodness from their clean and unpolluted surroundings. ”

Just berries nothing added size

What does it cost?

You know me, not one for lavish prices. Which leads me to the next point, the price. Never one to hide away from things that may seem negative, I will come out  and say it, Β£7.99 looks very steep for a small tub of dried berries but when you really think about it, what’re you getting is;

  • 3 punnets of berries ( Β£2.50 per punnet x 3 = Β£7.50)
  • The fact you can carry these with you on the go!
  • turn these into drinks, add them to food and best yet…
  • They don’t go off!

How often do you have fresh fruit in your fridge (not often!) because it goes off so quickly. These arctic berries are always there to offer you a pick-me-up! So yeah, they do have some price but it’s completely worth it if adding extras to your breakfasts, desserts or drinks is your thing.

But their website is crammed full of amazing recipes too (I’m very jealous!)


What can I do with it?

Well, what do you want to do with it?

Think about it, what would you normally do with a punnet of fresh berries or Protein Powder, sprinkle them on your porridge, add them to a large punch bowl, include them in some desserts? There are tonnes of things you can do with Arctic Berries, here are just a few of my suggestions from my own experiences;Arctic power powders

  • Adding them to porridge or sweet rice for breakfast or desserts
  • Adding them into Apple crumble, I used blueberry in my blueberry,pear and apple crumble. Topped with oats!
  • 1 teaspoon of arctic berries per pint, poured into a kettle. Serve with a dash of sugar and a squeeze of lemon.
  • Create Iced tea: Serve chilled with sliced fruits!
  • Serve on top of pancakes with a swirl or yoghurt or honey!


So, I’m not the most creative..but I came up with at least six ways I could use it in my usual routine, not to mention baking with it! So experiment with new products, whether they be one of arctic berries products..or something completely different. If it’s good for you and you enjoy it, then do it! Have fun!

If it’s good for you and you enjoy it, then do it! Have fun! Have a great week!


*This product was paid for by the company, but the review is based on my own honest opinions.

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  1. I haven’t heard of these before but it sure sounds interesting and very healthy specially if you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle (like me). Will definitely be looking them up.

    Great Post and thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  2. I haven’t heard of these before but it sure sounds interesting and very healthy specially if you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle (like me). Will definitely be looking them up.

    Great Post and thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  3. I’ve seen these before! They look amazing!! I wonder if they’d be interested in collaborating with me… lol Stealing ideas from your blog!

    Oliver x

  4. I’ve seen these before! They look amazing!! I wonder if they’d be interested in collaborating with me… lol Stealing ideas from your blog!

    Oliver x

    1. Oh good! I’m glad I did, I really didn’t think they were going to be as good as they were so it’s really something you’ve got to get used to including but more vitamins and nutrients in your diet is always a good thing! πŸ™‚

    1. Oh good! I’m glad I did, I really didn’t think they were going to be as good as they were so it’s really something you’ve got to get used to including but more vitamins and nutrients in your diet is always a good thing! πŸ™‚

    1. That was my thought, I get a lot of women who want to ‘add’ to their already healthy diet so I went on a hunt for easy & portable things to add to their diet. πŸ™‚

    1. That was my thought, I get a lot of women who want to ‘add’ to their already healthy diet so I went on a hunt for easy & portable things to add to their diet. πŸ™‚

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