How to eat more veggies, the fun and easiest way.

how to more veggies

I honestly think we don’t give enough time to vegetables, we see ads for cereals, breakfast bars and ‘quick’ food, but in my basics section you’ll see the easiest way to get veggies in your system! Other than that you can just bulk your meals out or increase your veggie intake in several other ways. […]

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Paleo meals and recipe ideas for a weekly menu


Weekly Menu alternative ( I have two menus now) What is the paleo diet, explained.The paleo diet is essentially the ‘basic’ human fuel diet.For thousands of years we had no way of combining grains and fats to create foods that we have today, those foods are now stuffed full of saturates, salt sugar and tonnes […]

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Super healthy Lunches: Avacado and and pork quesadillas and tips for using up your leftovers!


~My super duper avocado and pork quesadias, delicious! These are my carb-fuelled go-to, I know I’m paleo, but on Saturdays and Wednesdays I fuel up with carbohydrates for my hardcore workouts… you know, to sculpt my body 😉 Ha! Oh and also, if you love my guides (you best do!) I also have an Instructables account now too 😉 Don’t you […]

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