Ten superfoods to try this month

Ten superfoods - spon

A few years ago superfoods popped into the media, everyone was filling up on kale and goji berries. Let me just get this out in the open, all foods are superfoods! 
As long as they’re naturally sourced and packed full of goodness, which most fruit and veg are, then they’re superfoods. However, these are my top ten picks for foods that will perk you up and give you a boost, the content was hand picked from a wonderful health company who has sponsored me to host the content. I hope you agree that my top picks are full of nutrients and vitamins not to mention they taste pretty good too.

Superfoods are more than just fashionable fruit and veg: they’re any foods which can offer a lot of nutrients in a small package. Whether they’re high in protein, magnesium or vitamins, here are some fab superfoods for you to try out this month.

Chia seeds

As the richest source of plant-based omega-3, these tiny seeds pack a huge punch. They’re chock-full of antioxidants and healthy fatty acids, as well as providing an extra source of fibre to help keep your gut happy.


Raw cacao powder is a superfood by any definition: it can lower blood pressure and improve mood, as well as reducing cholesterol. Make sure to snack in moderation, though: only eat dairy-free dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids.

Wild salmon

Don’t bother with farmed fish – go natural! Alaskan salmon is the purest kind, and it’s full of B vitamins, omega-3 and lean proteins. Serve it as a main meal, or use it in a fancy New York bagel.


These small purple berries are full of anthocyanins, which help stave off heart disease and cancer. They’re also a delicious source of oleic acid, which is an important heart-healthy fat.


Measured by calories, leafy greens pack in the most nutrients of any food there is. Spinach is especially potent and works in almost all recipes, from wilted spinach in a spicy curry or crisp leaves in a Chinese noodle salad. Make sure to serve with a squeeze of lemon juice over the top to help your body absorb that vital iron.

Brown ricewhite rice vs brown

TV and magazines keep trying to drill into us that carbs are bad, but like I keep saying, only the wrong ones are. Brown rice is a slow-release carb that keeps you full for longer and is a great source of magnesium, which your body uses in all kinds of chemical reactions. Read more on brown vs white rice.


This might be a surprise, but oysters pack a lot into a little package. A 3oz serving of oysters contains 200% of your daily zinc requirement, as well as 100% of your selenium and 25% of your iron. Whilst not a weekly menu dish, if you’re out and about, give yourself a treat and do your body some good!

Black beans

A staple of Mexican food, these earthy beans are great for so much more than just burritos. They’re jam-packed with protein and fibre and provide a great source of flavonoids (which are important for keepings your arteries in good shape). Be careful of serving sizes, these powerful beans pack a punch with nutrients and calories. A few of these bad boys goes along way.


Current superfood darling, avocados rightly deserve their glowing reputation. They’re full of healthy fats, potassium, magnesium, folate and vitamin E, as well as containing healthy fats which keep you full for longer. These aren’t just for Instagram, they’re great for your bodies too, who knew?


Everyone knows yoghurt is full of probiotics that keep your gut healthy and there are tonnes of new yoghurt products on the market but fewer people know about the wonders of kefir, which is a drink made of fermented milk that dates back to ancient Russia. Check out this slightly sour drink to give your immune and digestive systems a helping hand.

By trying to eat more of these superfoods, you’ll be boosting the number of nutrients in your diet without having to compensate with flavour. By combining healthy eating with rigorously supervised programmes, such as gym routines,outdoor running or intensive boot camps, you’ll be above the game in the race we call life. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week,

Signaturelogosmllr Amy


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  1. I love black beans, Avocado and Spinach. It’s funny because Avocado has always been extremely popular in South Africa where I grew up – we had an avocado tree in our garden which would produce far more than we could ever eat!

    Laura x

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