Autumn Oat Mega Cookies – Carrot cake inspired cookies!


Autumn is an incredible time of year.

Leaves are changing to that array of amazing hues, crisp golden leaves are floating down by our feet. If you listen carefully you can hear a flurry of fireworks and jingle bells in the distance. Oh, is that Christmas I hear?

Ha, not just yet but I’m getting my fluffy jumper and uggs ready!

That being said, I was feeling a bit under the weather over the weekend and wanted something to cheer me up. Try as I might it was something that chocolate and Bridget jones just could not do! – I needed to bake.autumn-oat-cookie2

5am. I had my fluffy slippers and my big house coat on and boy was I ready for that cinnamon smell to hit the air. I had decided the night before that I wanted to make something that was flavoured like autumn, I didn’t want to just use cinnamon or just use cloves, the next obvious choice was mixed spice.

Mixed spice- The flavour of everything I baked in my teens. 

I thought it was a wonder spice – didn’t actually occur to me that it was a mixture of several spices until my early twenties. Oh well, flavour is flavour and this one is the Mary Berry of spices. So I had my ultimate spice mix and my love of carrots trying to break out of my head and I couldn’t think of anything better than a carrot cake biscuit.

– I know, bare with me. It’s not as crazy as it sounds.

Autumn Carrot cake cookies
Yields 10
A deliciously crunchy carrot cake biscuit, gluten-free vegan! I'll put alternatives to make these in any which way you like but this is how I like them! šŸ™‚
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Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
45 min
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
45 min
  1. 1 Ripened Banana
  2. 1 large carrot
  3. 1/3 mixed fruit
  4. 1cup oats
  5. 1 tsp baking soda
  6. 1/2 cup brown sugar
  7. 1/2 cup of white sugar
  8. 1 tablespoon mixed spices
  9. 1 tsp of vanilla Essence
  10. 1 cup of flour
  11. 1 cup of butter*
  1. Preheat the oven to 280F.
  2. Line a baking tray with grease proof paper. Grate and mash your carrot and banana in a large bowl. Measuing out your ingredients add in everything excluding your mixed fruit. I used a mixture of half almond flour half coconut flour, I think the almond really covers the coconut flavour, which I'm not a huge fan of.
  3. Mix thoroughly until well-combined. Add your fruit in last, to avoid a lumpy mixture. The batter should be thick like a dough but sticky. Taking two tablespoons, spoon the mixture in large balls onto your baking tray. roughly 2" apart as the mixture spreads out whilst baking. It might take 2 trays or 2 seperate bakes.
  4. Once your dough is portioned out, firmly press the dough into flat disks. It doesn't have to be neat, the rough edges crisp up and add great texture! Place into your hot oven for around 20-25 minutes. Until a dark golden brown.
  5. Serve cooled with Ice cream, custard or a nice cup of tea šŸ™‚
  1. In the UK we don't usually work in cups but the idea is that it's an 'equal measure' so if you grab your favourite mug and use that as '1 cup' for all measurements you can't go wrong.
  2. Your cookies may take an extra 10 minutes, depending on how crispy or chewy you like them.
  3. *So many different types of sugar, flours and *butter are around. They will ofcourse alter the result of this recipe but do not let it stop you. Try new things out in the kitchen, it can lead to amazing results!
Purely Amy
Even the ingredients would have you believe that these are more cake-like but they really aren’t! They’re crisp and chewy and delicious. They have the texture of a flapjack with the crunchy crumbly outside of a granola, it gives it something extra that a carrot cake just wouldn’t give you.

In hindsight I would have pressed each cookie down with the back of my spoon so they were all perfectly flat and crispy but -like I said – it was 5am and I was poorly. Baking something pretty was not on my mind, I just wanted something tasty.p1020938

The photos were a spur of the moment thing as a full batch of – not so pretty- looking biscuits had already been snaffled up. These cookies, these were the photogenic ones! I’m no photographer but I think I’m getting better, what’d you think?

Needless to say, these cookies were gone in less that a few breaths, they were the only thing I ate over the weekend (I was still poorly) so I ate five in one sitting. The next morning, I crumbled some up into my muesli too and my taste buds were going crazy, it’s pretty damn good with a dash of extra cinnamon. Am I too eager for the Christmas season? Perhaps, but I’m starting it in style.

These are my new favourite snack but let’s share – What’s your favourite autumn treat? 



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  1. Oh yum! They look and sound amazing! I love that you’ve used mixed spices instead of the usual Autumnal spices šŸ˜€ These really do sound and look delicious. Yum! xx

    1. Aw Claire! I’m so glad you like them! I was worried because they were so unplanned people might think I’d gone crazy! I really hope you try them, they really are delish!

  2. Thsee are definitely going on my ‘must bake’ list! Oat cookies are great for me at the moment as I’m breastfeeding and Ai never thought to put carrot in there. Inspired

    1. Ah, This really should be good for you then, sugar cravings & oats help milk production too (I believe?) If I have carrots in I will use them..Carrot hot dogs, pancakes, bread, honestly, I’ve done it all!

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