Chocolate free week #1


I was fearing the brown sticky stuff all week, but it was the other brown stuff I should’ve been worrying about!

*Toilet humour ahead*

So, as you should know, I’m raising money for British heart this month, I’ve cut out chocolate completely!
The nutella keeps looking at me and I just can’t stop myself from reaching that biscuit tin, twice I’ve actually picked chocolate biscuits up and had to stop myself!

Who knew this’d be so hard?

Chocolate seems to be hard-wired into my brain at the moment, which is odd because I set up this challenge because I thought I rarely ate it! It seemed to be an easy challenge but the further in I get the more I realise how often I reach for chocolate to snack on!

This week:
I started my week off relatively normal, I baked and I blogged and I went to work but..this week’s bake was chocolate brownies… Yup!
I managed to get around the whole “not eating chocolate” thing though, I created cocoa brownies, so they’re technically not chocolate as they don’t have the dairy and sugar in them. They’re still chocolate tasting so I’m not sure how ‘good’ that is but I baked them 2 days before the challenge started so I didn’t break any rules, it was just published after the deadline!

So, The challenge started on Tuesday, my second day in my new job. Standing up all day!
You don’t realise how tiring just standing on your feet is, until it’s 10.30 and you’ve already had two sugary coffees and an open-eyed nap. I’d walked 7,000 steps and been awake for 3 hours, on very little sleep.
Teaching kids is more demanding than people realise! By 12.30 I was ready to go to the shop and get a mars bar in all honesty but I didn’t. 

I stayed strong, I had a ham salad, veggie sticks and a mustard dipping sauce (not filling at all). At the end of the day I dashed back on the 20 minute walk home, for another sugary coffee and two eggs. I ended the day with a huge portion of veggie curry.

Day 1: 13,000 steps, several sugary coffees, a trip to asda and a stock pile of fruit.

 I’d brought some vegan breakfast bars (I’ll talk about them on the main blog, they’re amazing) at asda so brought one with me to work, along with 2 sachets of instant coffee, two bananas, 4 apricots, a handful of mixed nuts and a bowl of porridge.

Notice something? It’s all sugar!

I needed it though, by 10.30 I snuck in the staff room for my banana, coffe and appricots.
At lunch I scoffed the whole bowl of porridge (with sugar on) and all of the fruit I’d brought with me today and the breakfast bar! At the end of the evening I’d had around 62g of sugar. Just shoot me now.

Day 2: 15,000 steps, a sh*t tonne of fruit and a sugar induced headache.20141031_221926

Thursday and friday
Both days I had just coffee and dairy products in all honesty, I’ve submitted to sugar so much that on days where I’m cutting back on sugar my body goes into just in shock. I was craving things that I really can’t eat (lactose intolerant). I want eggs, milk, cheese and meats..alot of meats.

So yeah. I’ve had the ‘browns’ for two days because my body keeps sounding out for the sugary-dairy rush of chocolate.

I won’t go on with thursday and friday as the message really continues, I’ve taken the chocolate out of my life and replaced it with healthy sugary alternatives..too many of them!

I need to snap my mind out of this “sugar to survive” coma.

My aim from today;
is to eat 2 portions of fruit maximum, I used to eat a tonne of vegetables so I’m going to get back into that and replace my sugar cravings with ‘sweet veggies’.
I’ve not exercised in 2 weeks and I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m tired all the time, sugar high’s and lows for you.. why am I letting myself get to this point where I need sugar to fuel me? Adrenaline used to be my drug. I need to get back into gear with my workouts.

Week 1. 2lbs heavier and no energy for workouts. Must cut back the sugar alternatives, must burn off and fuel my days with workouts.

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