
Joshua 6 years old (2016-2017)

He’s the oldest of the new generation and today is his birthday!! To mark this stupendous occasion I want to embarrass him talk about him and share some amazing memories we’ve had together, after all, everything he’s done and will do will effect his cousins and siblings. Experiences for a new generation! God that sounds […] Read more…

Dealing with Chronic Nausea

I’ve been ill for well over a week now and it’s starting to get tedious. When you’re tired and ill even the smallest tasks begin to wear you down. I have had aches and pains and nausea, reducing my caloric intake and reducing my energy. I’ve been trying to explain what it feels like to […] Read more…

Chi Kitchen a hidden gem

Chi Kitchen is a Pan-Asian restaurant, It’s located just inside Debenhams in the heart of Birmingham’s shopping centre. Debenhams is well known for more luxury high street prices. This week I was asked  to come and try out their new afternoon tea menu, so I brought along my sister and fellow blogger, for a treat and […] Read more…

My first day with William – A letter to you

Today I’m baby sitting my baby nephew William, part of the Simkiss clan. He’s seven months old and has a smile that will melt any ones heart. I only found out two days ago, It was sort of sprung on me. Everyone’s been busy with the last few weeks of school term so It’s understandable. My first […] Read more…

Bubble rope an easy bubble project

Oooh I love bubbles, When all of the kids were playing with their Skates, Nokia’s or footballs I was playing with good old-fashioned bubbles. Bubbles are something amazing for a child, you take a household product and create something with your breath, almost effortlessly. In a blink of an eye it’s gone, you can’t hold […] Read more…

Easter Weekend..the long haul

Me and my family aren’t the “let’s get together and have lunch” types.. For a start there are a vast number of us and there aren’t enough beanbags,buckets and lawn chairs to go around. Not to mention the fact that we don’t really ‘do’ easter, minus the hot cross buns..they’re obligatory! And apart from the […] Read more…

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