BUTT, my friend really wants a nice but, and as the ‘fitness guru’ of the group, she came to me for advice.. on many occasions.I told her this:
- Eat well
- Drink well
- Eat right
- Work out hard
- Recover properly
- Work your legs and glutes like never before.
So I comprised a routine to do daily.
**Update: 2016**
Much improved! I have since re-done this routine with Butt Building #2 with better pictures, information and guides including eating plans. If you’re really interested please go.
Start in plank position,either straight from plank or from your knees(depending on level, if you’re advanced i expect a full plank). Lift one leg so it is straight from your body and tense your Glute to make your leg raise. Repeat for 10.
Knee donkey kick backs:
From Knee-plank position, kick your leg up in 90 degree position, pulse your leg towards the sky for 10-15 reps.
Legs together:SQUAT
Its as simple as the picture shows.. I do this for 20 reps and repeat 3 times.
I really recommend that you do these every day, or as often as possible..for 4 weeks for 1″ minimum increment. I had to squeeze (literally) these in two to three times a week and achieved amazing results so I’m hoping you will too, but don’t be disheartened if you don’t bodies are all different!